Task Template

Task Template

Software Development

Our Jira Task Template Example

Our Jira Task Template Example


Here's a pre-made task template for Jira. Copy and paste this example into your Jira issue while creating a task, and then save it as a template with Easy Templates app.


h2. Task Summary
A concise description of the specific work to be done.

h2. Details
Detailed explanation or breakdown of the task, including any technical specifics, methods, tools, or considerations.

h2. Associated User Story/Epic (if applicable)

    [JIRA-XXXX] - Link or reference to the associated user story or epic, if any.

h2. Acceptance Criteria (if applicable)
The task is considered complete when [specific condition or outcome].
[Another specific condition or criteria].

h2. Attachments
Attach any relevant documents, diagrams, mockups, or resources that can assist in completing the task.

h2. Dependencies
List any prerequisites or dependencies this task might have.

h2. Estimated Time
Provide an estimate of how long this task might take to complete, e.g., "2 hours" or "0.5 days".

h2. Notes/Additional Information
Any other relevant details, clarifications, or context needed to understand or execute the task.

This template ensures that all relevant information about a task is captured, providing clarity for whoever is assigned to it. Modify the template as necessary to suit your team's needs and project specifics.

What is a Jira Task in Software Development?

In software development, a Jira task is a key element for actioning specific parts of a story or epic, particularly in Agile methodologies. It's a smaller, manageable unit, typically assigned to one team member.

How Jira Task Templates Can Boost Productivity

Jira task templates are essential for organizing tasks. They provide a consistent format, including the task's title, detailed description, priority, assignee, and more. This uniformity is crucial for efficient task tracking and management in Jira.

Reuse this template in your Atlassian Jira with “Easy Templates for Jira” app.