Onboarding, also known as organizational socialization, refers to the mechanism through which new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to become effective organizational members and insiders. It is the process of integrating a new employee into the organization and its culture. Onboarding also may include things like setting up a proper working environment and receiving access to the company’s resources, knowledge base and training. So how do you improve employee onboarding in Jira?
Why do you need Jira Onboarding templates?
For a growing company, organizing a repeatable process like new Employee Onboarding is quite time-consuming. Every time, HR needs to create a big number of identical issues and assign them to the responsible people. Let’s see how can you streamline that workflow via Jira subtasks template.
With Jira, every single step of the onboarding process may be a subtask linked to a single Jira issue created per new employee.
With the Easy Templates for Jira issues add-on, it’s very easy to create a Jira Template that contains dedicated subtasks.
Step 1
Create a Jira issue (as a mockup) for your process including all necessary subtasks with proper info and fields (e.g. Description, Component, Priority, Assignee). If you forget any tasks at this step – don’t worry – you’ll be able to add them later on using the “Manage Templates” feature.
Step 2
![Improve employee onboarding with our Template from Jira Issue](https://appliger.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ET-SaveTemplate-1024x560.png)
Your subtask template will be created.
Step 3
Use it! 🚀
Next time you have a new employee to onboard – Create a ticket from the template. The new Jira issue will be created and the subtasks populated automatically.
See how it goes on Jira Cloud
Create Onboarding Tasks from Issue Template on Jira Cloud
or the same flow but on Jira Server
![Create Onboarding Tasks from Template on Jira Server](https://appliger.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ET-Subtasks.Create.Server.1280x700-1024x560.gif)
Using the Templates for Employee Onboarding workflow your organization will save a tremendous amount of time creating repeatable issues and related subtasks for Jira templates.
Try Easy Templates for Jira issues on Jira Cloud, Server or Data Center
For any questions or new functionality inquiries, contact us via the Customer Portal or read our Documentation.
Read more about the Easy Templates add-on below